viernes, 14 de julio de 2023

 Living in America.

In this block I will write each day my experiences living in America.

Thn subject matter of today is about Blueberries.

Blueberries are always neutral never desapoint you. No matter how you are sad or happy having a basket of blueberries your feel the same. Because they are round give you relaxation, because they are blue give you tranquility and also can give you deep thoughts that never will last too much because it  is  like a dream that you won't  remember anymore. But one positive thing about blueberries is that they never will desapoint you as I said. Blueberries are not so popular in my country Spain or in Europe maybe. I went long time ago to pick up blueberries in a field here in the northen New York State. It was an interesting experience. Not too much exciting because blueberries are moderate. It is like the oposite side of a horror movie or a comical sketch. That's way having today a blueberry for desert  I am returning thinking about blueberries.

lunes, 18 de enero de 2016


De los cuatro estilos de natación cual es el más apropiado para cruzar un rio?
El mariposa pues así no nos mojamos.

Caminar o andar

Es lo mismo caminar y andar? No,  por que cuando caminamos vamos a pie y cuando andamos los pies se mueven.

Dos más dos

Porqué dos y dos hacen cuatro. Porque van de copiones sino harían cinco.


Papa, papa, porqué los dromedarios llevan chepa, para jorobar hijo.

Los barcos

Porqué los barcos flotan? porque los que se hunden desaparecen.

Las ovejas

Porqué las ovejas van en rebaño? por que si van solas se las rebañan